Case Study - Roadside in Masstown, Nova Scotia
Large store required restoration of ditch to remove high volumes of water at certain times of the year plus standing water at other times of the year. After just one pass the ditch was restored and land became manageable again.

BEFORE - The area had become filled with silt and vegetation. Water levels increased and the area became impossible to maintain. The area was saturated with water.

DURING - Ditch Doctor® was able to control where the ditch spoil deposited as needed ranging from 3 meters to 20 meters and self levelled.

1 MONTH - Vegetation grew through it in no time and the area quickly became manageable.
This client is a large store in Masstown, Nova Scotia that has thousands of visitors a year. They are just off the main highway on a busy intersection where people often stop for a break and stretch their legs when on a long journey or passing through the area. A large fieldat the front of the property offers the perfect location in the warmer months for people to enjoy.
The problem they were experiencing was large volumes of water from the road surface combined with large water run off was not draining away. The ditches were filled with silt and vegetation making them unable to mow and maintain the front of the property. They required the existing ditch that had been become blocked and overgrown with vegetation be restored.
The shape of the ditch would need to handle both large volumes of water in the spring and also remove standing water other times of the year. Minimal impact to the local environment and traffic during the project was also important.
The solution was to access the ditch from the roadside allowing the spoil to be thrown on to the field opposite. As the ditch had been established in the past it was possible to reshape just the lower level of the ditch back to a more efficient contour. In this case there wasno need to amend the existing slope of the ditch and there was no major debris that could not be handled by the Ditch Doctor®.
The intention was one single and continuous pass systematically removing the material causing the blockage and reshaping the ditch at the same time. Traffic was managed by cones and no additional trucks would be required.
This project was completed on time and on budget. There was no need for additional trucking away of the spoil and reducing traffic congestion provided a safer work zone. This enabled only the hard shoulder to be shut also reducing traffic congestion. The water run off from the main highway is now managed more efficiently and now culverts are working at full capacity.
The land remains free of standing water and they are able to mow right to the edge keeping vegetation controlled and insects minimized. The area is now manageable and more presentable for their business.

1 YEAR - Vegetation quickly grew through material that was deposited from the clean out and the area is now manageable to the ditch line.